8 de novembro de 2011

The Golden Number

The golden number is an irrational number that means, interminable. But it represents the beauty way of the things, in mathematical form. Don't matter if became by nature or by human activity.

It may seem absurd and confusing, however that sounds strange, what captivates us as beauty in its base that have the golden number.

The Greeks had found it, and it can be found on Euclid's famous book, Elements of Geometry.

There we find a sentence that «It is said that a line is divided into extreme and mean ration when the total length of the line is for the most part as this is to lowest.».

Exactly.... Isn't enough that the maths complicate, for the letters complicate even more. :-/

So, let's simplify this....

A line on being divided at a point; the biggest part of the line divided by the lower part will give the golden number.

(see the line on the picture)

When trying to apply the sentence of Euclid in mathematical equations form, that obtain expressly the golden number.

(see the number on the picture)

This golden number is also called by phi.

What it suits me???

If you desired, don't need to give the mathematical interest. However, we must know that everything that captivates us, in its background will have the golden number.

Why we like our credit card, the beautiful Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vince, a single rose or a sunflower? The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli, the Parthenon in Athens, the Guggenheim Museum in New York, etc...

Because everything has the golden number!!!!

Therefore, even we don't want, if we use the golden number in our profession that can help us a lot.

By the simple fact, that when we have around an object with the golden number, we feel right away to preference it then the other similar objects.

Well... I «don't» like Maths, but it lives with me!!!



Sites --> http://www.goldennumber.net/




Video on You Tube --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zWivbG0RIo

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